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Sunday, January 8, 2012


Looking over our project, we were told to reflect over our work during the christmas break - are we really satisfied with what we have presented to our tutors?
Looking at our model, I would have to say I am definitely satisfied with what has been presented. The work that lead up to the final result was pleasing for all group members, yet there are some things that we still need to think about.
Material research was a key consideration throughout the project. How do we want to construct the perfect wall, a hidden wall that we call our sanctuary. The constructed wall, which supports our resting structures was a success. The moulds looked great, but is it really that comfortable if we think practically? But the question that needs to be asked is are we looking for comfort or a sleek design, or maybe a combination of both? Looking at our final design, we have striked a combination of an appealing design, as well as comfort. The many layers make it easy for the person to get to that plateau where they can finally rest. In addition, the shapes are organic, which is not only eye catching, but allows various body positions to be adopted.
As for our storyboard, wax as a material aids our story: because the corridor is narrow and becomes congested with time, due to the many people that discover and inhabit our space, the wax eventually melts and our space no longer exists. However, if we think about practically/real life construction details, we have to think of other materials. Something that I personally like is foam. An architect that I have been closely researching is Tokujin Yashioka. Apart from the many designs that have caught my eye and inspired me for this project, something that I loved was his spongy chair, made of polyester elastomer. It looks comfortable, and because of the flexibility of the material, it can create interesting shapes. In addition, this type of material is translucent, which ties in with one of our main concepts, light.

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