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Friday, December 16, 2011

End of term crit

So after staying at uni for hours the last week of term, friday finally came!

Sleep deprivation and coffee addiction was evident amongst our group members, but I have to say it was all worth it! Looking at our presentation, projections and finally our model was so fulfilling.

The past few weeks, we have been discussing our model and a few changes were made. For our existing wall, our initial plan was to incorporate fiber optics and concrete together to create a translucent wall. Transluceny is a major concept in our project; the materials combined with light projections is what gives off the dreamy atmosphere that we wanted to project. However, because the fiber optics did not arrive on time, we resorted to our back up plan - fish wire! Although this doesn't give off the same effect, I have to say it was quite successful, in terms of the texture of the wall, and a slight hint of light running through the wall. The fiber optics eventually arrived, so we will definitely be making the wall again!

The main wall which incorporates our resting structures was very eye catching. There was a question raised as to why we chose this shape. Initially, the curve almost looked like a traditional telephone, which means it would only be able to accommodate one body position - sitting. Thus, we expanded upon the idea of playing with body positions to create the curve that we have now. The shape is more organic and raises the possibility of resting in whichever way we desire to. This could involve, sitting, lying down, resting your arm/elbow/leg and so on.

Our light projections were varied - we wanted to show a human shadow in different lights. Hence, the backgrounds changed with every projection. Various colours and lighting were used, but the tutors seemed to take a particular liking for the colour blue. This is something we all agreed on - blue emits a peaceful, meditative atmosphere, a colour that when projected, would be easy to get lost into. They loved how we were very abstract with the light projections, which is something that is usually hard to show with model making. But the fact that we could incorporate the two, they wanted this idea to be more prominent. Because our projections and model were shown separately, this could be the reason as to why they wanted to see how it would all look combined. This is where filming comes in! We need to make further discussions as to how we want to film our model after the christmas break.

1 comment:

shibi said...

Great start. Would be great to see some links on the blog to material research you did as well as thoughts about the storey board.